Waxing vs. Sugaring
Q: What is the Difference?
A: Waxing use hot or cold medium to remove the hair. Waxing uses a product which isn’t organic and may contain chemicals. Wax can harbor bacteria. Sugaring on the other hand is used at slightly warmer than room temperature. 100% natural and is even edible. Sugar doesn’t harbor bacteria, so it’s safe.
Q: How Does it Work?
A: The process of Sugaring is opposite in its application, apply against the growth pattern and remove with the growth pattern. This process removes the hair in the direction of growth allowing the hair to be removed deeper in the skin layer. When hair is removed in this fashion it eliminates breakage and ingrown hairs.
Q: What Results Should I Expect?
A: Complete removal of unwanted hair. It also has the added benefit of exfoliation, removing dead skin cells. Leaving the area fresh and bright.
Q: How many sessions are recommended for the full treatment and how often?
A: The goal here is to remove the hair in the anagen stage (growth stage). We have three different stages of hair growth. In the other two, the hair is removed, however it is already dead. When we remove the hair in its growth stage, it’s removing it by the root, per say. This causes the bulb area of the shaft to become smaller, thus reducing or even eliminating the follicles ability to reproduce new hair. So with that being said, it can lead to permanency if done on a regular basis. Each person is different with their own unique growth rate. The optimal amount of time between sugaring is 3-4 weeks.
You may want to come every two weeks to catch the hair in the growth stage when you start Sugaring. This stage usually lasts for about 2-3 weeks and occurs for both facial and body hair. It can take 6-12 weeks for new hair to grow from the papilla.
Q: I have sensitive skin; can I use Sugaring?
A: Yes! Any pigment or type of hair can be Sugared. It is even 100% safe during your entire pregnancy! With Sugaring, only the dead skin and hair is removed – NONE of your live skin can be removed. And the sugar paste is applied at room temperature, so it can NEVER burn you! It’s 100% eco-friendly and biodegradable and any excess sugar paste comes off gently with water. Some people with sensitive skin could have a histamine reaction, patch test should be preformed.
Q: How do I need to prepare for my appointment?
A: Before your underarm Sugaring appointment; Please do not put deodorant (you might want to bring some to put on after your service). Avoid fragrances, Don’t put any lotion on the areas you are getting Sugared that day, and Please do not exfoliate the day before or the day of your appointment.
Q: Is there anything I need to do after my appointment?
A: The biggest thing you want to remember is not to sweat for 24 hours after your appointment – no tanning, working out, or putting lotion on. Your pores are empty and clean. Leave them that way until they close up, which usually takes 24 hours. Another thing you might like to do, is to use Loofah mitt to exfoliate between service. The only times you don’t exfoliate is the day before, the day of, and the day after your Sugaring appointment. Make sure your exfoliation is taking off as much of your dead skin as you can tolerated without discomfort in-between appointments – if your hair is growing under a layer of dead skin, it is probably time for you to get a new exfoliating mitt.
Q: What age range and gender is this treatment suited?
A: Sugaring is safe for most all adult hair removal; Male and female. Some teens can benefit as well.
Q: So how much would I expect to pay for this procedure?
A: Most of aesthetic professionals are charging $15-$300 per treatment session. Depending on area to be Sugared and extent of hair removal.
Q: How long has Sugaring technology been around?
A: History shows that women and men were expected to be smooth.
The history of body sugaring dates back to the ancient Egyptian era. Inspired by Alexander the Great, the women of Alexandria considered a hairless body to be the standard of beauty, youth, and innocence. Persian women used a traditional sugaring paste called moum.
Sugaring, sugar waxing or Persian waxing is a method of hair removal that has been in use since 1900 BC.
Sugaring was also known as sukkar in the Middle East and in Egypt, as agda in Turkey, and as moum in Iran. Middle Easterners used a hair removal process called body sugaring, involving the application of a natural, sugar-based paste
that was either rubbed or pulled off in the opposite direction of hair growth.
The high sugar content inhibited bacterial growth in the region’s hot environment. The method reputedly was born out of a Middle Eastern bridal ritual. The night before a wedding, Lebanese, Palestinian, Turkish and Egyptian brides had all body hair, except eyebrows and the hair on their heads, removed by the bridal party. According to lore, the bride maintained her hairless body throughout her marriage as a symbol of cleanliness and respect for her husband.
We are Certified by Alexandria Professional®. They are the pioneers of professional body sugaring hair removal in the beauty industry worldwide! They have grown in popularity for more than twenty years as a safe and effective quality alternative form of epilation.
We only use the Alexandria Professional® product line for a complete service.

Q: What is “Micro-current Digital Bio Face Lift”?
A: Micro-current is a safe, effective, non-invasive, and non-surgical facial sculpting treatment. It can lift, sculpt, and tighten most parts of your face or body. This is a procedure that has NO DOWNTIME and results can be seen immediately. Micro-current facials are painless. You can feel the tissue react, however it shouldn’t be painful. If you’re uncomfortable, tell your aesthetician.
Q: Why is it called Micro-current Facial Sculpting or “Micro-current Lunch Time Face-lift”?
A: The tissues are actually retrained to work more like they did in youth. By placing the wands in specific positions and directing them in a certain way to achieve specific results. The treatment literally lifts, smooths, and tightens before your eyes. Since you are “re-educating” the tissue, it is crucial that you receive a “series” of treatments for longer lasting results. If the full series of treatments is completed, and maintenance sessions are well maintained, results should show an improvement in skin texture and fullness. Aging is an unstoppable assurance; therefore maintenance sessions are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!
Q: How soon do I see results?
A: Micro-current Facial Treatments will produce noticeable changes on your first session. Further changes will be even more effective and last longer as your facial “memory” is achieved.
Q: How many sessions are recommended for the full treatment and how often?
A: Most clients need 10 treatments to achieve a full “face-lift” makeover. Clients with greater aging effects such as severe neck sagging, deep creases, or distinguished “crow’s feet”, may need up to 15 sessions in their treatment plan. Clients need a minimum of 2 sessions their first week, then 1-2 per week until treatment plan is complete. Followed by a maintenance schedule, to retain the effects. In a hurry to see your results? You may be treated twice per week in order to complete their treatment quicker. After your 10 sessions, your look is maintained by receiving booster treatments every 4-6 weeks.
Q: How long should I expect the results to last?
A: Your cosmetic investment is preserved as long as you are receiving booster treatments every 4-6 weeks after the initial treatment plan. If you stop booster treatments, you risk losing the muscle retraining and will have to start a new treatment plan again to regain a more youthful look.
Q: Who is NOT a candidate for Micro-current?
A: You are NOT a candidate if you are: Pregnant, Have had heart surgery in the past year, Have a Pacemaker, Have or suspect Epilepsy
Q: What benefits could I achieve with my Micro-current sessions?
A: You could achieve:
• Diminished appearance of fine lines, creases and wrinkles • Reduction of sagging jowls and chin • Visibly firmer and toner skin • Reduction of noticeable scars and pigment discoloration • Improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage • Hydration and revitalization of skin for a softer and smoother feel. Understand everyone one has different needs and results.
Q: What age range is this treatment suited?
A: Micro-current is recommended for adult clients of all ages.
Q: So how much would I expect to pay for this procedure?
A: Most of aesthetic professionals are charging $99-$199+ per treatment session, however treatment packages are available which reduce these costs.
Q: Are there any harmful side effects or pain during or after the treatment?
A: None. Not only are the sessions painless. Micro-current doesn’t rely on a thermal energy source like a laser; therefore there is no inflammation, no need to heal before seeing results with absolutely no downtime. Micro-current facial treatments are by far the safest and most effective nonsurgical treatment available today.
Q: How popular is this cosmetic technology becoming in the United States?
A: Micro-current Facial Treatments have been in the United States for several years, but just like other trends in cosmetic treatment and fashion, it seems to start overseas then reaches mainstream levels in the U.S. via celebrity circles. For two years in a row, Hollywood insiders have reported that this treatment was one of the hottest among celebrities in the weeks before the Academy Awards; in fact, it was featured on “Extra” during an episode on “Pre-Oscar Makeovers”. Hollywood celebrities that are currently known to be fans Goldie Hawn, Jamie-Lee Curtis, Mel Gibson, Liv Tyler, Meryl Streep, Drew Barrymore, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sandra Bullock, Susan Sarandon, Rene Zellweger,
Michelle Pfeiffer, Jane Fonda, and Cliff Richard. Industry experts and media moguls are predicting this treatment to be as popular as Botox and Microdermabrasion.
Q: What areas of the body is Micro-current effective on?
A: Besides the face and neck, clients also receive treatment on the stomach, legs, hands, back, arms, and buttocks with exceptional results. The buttock lift is perhaps the most popular, especially as the bikini season nears.
Q: How long has Micro-current technology been around?
A: The discovery that electrical current in the body is disrupted by wounds occurred In the 1830’s when Carlos Matteucci proved that an electrical current was generated by injured tissue, but it wasn’t until 1843 that the existence of wound currents was first experimentally observed by Dubois-Reymond. Nearly 100 years later, the Japanese would rely upon this discovery to use Micro-current on the its soldiers during WWII, as Japanese physicians found that small electrical currents promoted the mending of non-healing bone fractures, reducing the time it took to heal. The first commercial device outputting micro-current stimulation was the Dermatron, developed in the 1960’s by Dr. Reinhold Voll of Germany. Mainstream use would eventually find the technology treating a variety of conditions, but its use in cosmetic treatment is fairly recent, born out of one physician successfully treating a Bell’s palsy patients for paralysis, noticing that the facial lines were much softer, the face more lifted, and the eyes less droopy.
Q: Why does your skin show aging?
A: Your skin is made up of three layers: Containing fibroblasts, Scientists formerly thought that fibroblasts were little more than scaffolding on which more important cells would climb. But University of Rochester Medical Center scientists have discovered that certain fibroblasts have highly specialized duties. They also appear to be metabolically active. Two fibers, collagen and elastin, weave through the dermis, giving skin flexibility and firmness. With aging, all skin cells begin to produce excess amounts of free radicals (unstable oxygen molecules) that, under ideal circumstances, are removed by naturally occurring antioxidants within the skin’s cells. In aging skin cells, antioxidants are in short supply. The free radicals generated are left unchecked and cause damage to cell membranes. These free radicals eventually break down collagen, and release chemicals that cause inflammation in the skin. It is a combination of these cellular and molecular events that leads to skin aging and the formation of wrinkles. In simple terms, as we get older, two components of our skin-collagen and elastin degenerate, setting the stage for the appearance of wrinkles and creases. The breakdown of these components, accelerated by such things as exposure to UV rays, gravity, pollution, smoking, lack of exercise, and/or a consistently poor diet, results in the more visible signs of old age on our skin. The Epidermis also becomes thinner and the connective tissue weaker. Combined with the lack of tone in aging facial muscles, the Epidermis begins to sag and droop, while natural folds become unnaturally pronounced by fatty cheeks, neck, and chin. Reduction of blood circulation and restriction of blood vessels lead to a loss in youthful hue and manifests in a dull grayish color to the face.
Disclaimer: As always, this information is provided to you for educational and/or informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an endorsement of any particular product, treatment, or procedure. This information is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment by a doctor or other qualified health care professional. For medical concerns, including decisions about any procedure or treatment, users should always consult their doctor or other qualified health care professional.

LED Photo Rejuvenation “Works for
NASA” Let it work for You…
Q: What is “LED Photo Rejuvenation”?
A: LED Photo Rejuvenation is a safe, effective, non-invasive, and non-surgical application of the light spectrum. To promote cell regeneration. A skin treatment that uses photo dynamic therapy to treat skin conditions and remove effects of photo aging such as wrinkles, spots, and textures. The tissues are actually stimulated to work more like they did in youth. Regenerating at a rate of 150-200% faster than without LED light.
Q: How Does it Work
A: The process induces controlled stimulation of the skin, prompting it to heal itself by creating new cells. This process reverses the signs of photo aging to a certain extent by removing appearances of damage. In 1993, Quantum Devices, Inc. (QDI), of Barneveld, Wisconsin, began developing the HEALS (High Emissivity Aluminiferous Light-emitting Substrate) technology to provide high-intensity, solid-state LED lighting systems for NASA Space Shuttle plant growth experiments. They saw cell regeneration. The LED session literally smooths, lightens and tightens during each session. Since you are “stimulating” the tissue, it is crucial that you receive a “series” of treatments for results. If the full series of treatments are completed and maintenance sessions are well maintained, results should show an improvement in skin texture and fullness. Therefore maintenance sessions are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!
Q: How soon do I see results?
A: LED Photo Rejuvenation sessions will produce noticeable changes during your first session, continuing to work up to 48 hours after your session. Further changes will be even more effective and lasting as your cell stimulation is achieved and sustained using 10-15 sessions. When LED light therapy is used in conjunction after other treatments like chemical peels and microdermabrasion, it can really help maximize results.
Q: How many sessions are recommended for the full treatment and how often?
A: Most clients need 10, 20-30 minute treatments to see skin makeover. Clients with greater aging effects such as hyper-pigmentation (dark spots), deep creases/furrows, or distinguished “crow’s feet” , may need 15 sessions or more. Clients need a minimum of 5 sessions their first week, then 2 per week until treatment plan is complete. Followed by, maintenance schedules to retain the effects. After your 10 session package, your look is maintained by receiving booster treatments every 4-6 weeks or sooner if you prefer.
Q: How long should I expect the results to last?
A: Your cosmetic investment is preserved as long as you are receiving booster treatments a minimum of every 4-6 weeks after the initial treatment span. If you stop booster treatments, you risk losing the building effects and will have to start a new treatment span again to regain a more youthful look. A good skin care regiment with high quality products is also important.
Q: Who is NOT a candidate for LED Photo Rejuvenation?
A: You are NOT a candidate if you are: Pregnant, Have had heart surgery in the past year, Have a Pacemaker, Have or suspect Epilepsy. Why? Simply because it has not been studied enough.
Q: What benefits can I achieve with my LED Photo Rejuvenation sessions?
A: You could achieve: • Diminished appearance of fine lines, creases and wrinkles • Improved acne • Visibly firmer and toner skin • Reduction of noticeable scars and pigment discoloration • Improved blood circulation
• Hydration and revitalization of skin for a softer and smoother feel • Deeper penetration of serums and moisturizers
Q: What age range is this treatment suited?
A: LED Photo Rejuvenation is recommended for clients of all ages
Q: So how much would I expect to pay for this procedure?
A: Most of aesthetic professionals are charging $100-$300 per treatment session, but treatment packages are available which reduce these costs
Q: Are there any harmful side effects or pain during or after the treatment?
A: None. Not only are our sessions painless. LED Photo Rejuvenation doesn’t rely on a thermal energy source like a laser; therefore there is no inflammation, no need to heal before seeing results and absolutely no downtime. LED Photo Rejuvenation treatments are effective for all skin types and colors. It’s by far the safest and most effective nonsurgical treatment available today.
Q: How popular is this cosmetic technology becoming in the United States?
A: LED Photo Rejuvenation Facial Treatments have been in the United States for several years, but just like other trends in cosmetic treatment and fashion, it seems to start overseas then reaches mainstream levels in the U.S. via celebrity circles.
Q: What areas of the body is LED Photo Rejuvenation effective?
A: Most ALL
Q: How long has LED Photo Rejuvenation technology been around? (a little bit technological)
A: In 1989, Ignatius formed QDI to bring the salt grain-sized LEDs to market, and in October 1995, the light sources made their Space Shuttle flight debut on the second U.S. Microgravity Laboratory Spacelab mission (STS-73, Columbia). Partnership Created: When NASA determined that red LEDs could grow plants in space, Marshall Space Flight Center awarded QDI several Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts to investigate the effectiveness of the broad-spectrum diodes in medical applications. The contracts, issued from 1995 to 1998, focused on increasing energy inside human cells. It was NASA’s hope that the LEDs would not only yield medical benefits on Earth, but that they would help to stem the loss of bone and muscle mass in astronauts, which occurs during long periods of weightlessness. (In space, the lack of gravity keeps human cells from growing naturally.) Furthermore, since wounds are slow to heal in a microgravity environment, LED therapy could accelerate healing and keep what would be termed as minor wounds on Earth from becoming mission-catastrophic in space. With aging, all skin cells begin to produce excess amounts of free radicals (unstable oxygen molecules) that, under ideal circumstances, are removed by naturally occurring antioxidants within the skin’s cells. In aging skin cells, antioxidants are in short supply. The free radicals generated are left unchecked and cause damage to cell membranes. These free radicals eventually break down collagen, and release chemicals that cause inflammation in the skin. It is a combination of these cellular and molecular events that leads to skin aging and the formation of wrinkles. The two components of our skin-collagen and elastin degenerate, setting the stage for the appearance of wrinkles, creases, folds. The breakdown of these components, accelerated by such things as exposure to UV rays, gravity, pollution, smoking, lack of exercise, and/or a consistently poor diet, results in the more visible signs of old age on our skin. The Epidermis also becomes thinner and the connective tissue weaker. Combined with the lack of tone in aging facial muscles, the Epidermis begins to sag and droop, while natural folds become unnaturally pronounced by fatty cheeks, neck, and chin. Reduction of blood circulation and restriction of blood vessels lead to a loss in youthful hue and manifests in a dull grayish color to the face.
Disclaimer: As always, this information is provided to you for educational and/or informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an endorsement of any particular product, treatment, or procedure. This information is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment by a doctor or other qualified health care professional. For medical concerns, including decisions about any procedure or treatment, users should always consult their doctor or other qualified health care professional.